среда, 11 марта 2009 г.

Kiev Spy Welcomes NATO’s Moscow Overture

KIEV, Ukraine -- Ukraine’s top spy has welcomed NATO’s decision last week to resume high-level ties with Russia, suspended after Moscow’s military standoff with Georgia last year.

SBU head Valentyn Nalyvaichenko

In a Financial Times interview, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, head of Ukraine’s SBU [formerly known as the KGB] state security service, said Kiev also sought better relations with Russia, but would continue to crack down on “Russian politicians” who interfered in the country’s domestic politics.

“Good relations are when a neighbour does not stretch across the fence into your yard,” he said, referring to Russian support for pro-Russia political groups in Ukraine, including separatists on the Crimean peninsula, home to Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

Mr Nalyvaichenko insisted his own service was apolitical as he defended its recent raid on a state-owned energy company involved in the power struggle between President Viktor Yushchenko and the prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko.

The former diplomat, who was put in charge of the SBU three years ago by Mr Yushchenko, also argued that Ukraine had made big gains in democracy since the 2004 Orange Revolution, despite its continuing economic and political upheavals. “The risks are now more economic in nature,” he said referring to the financial crisis, which has driven Kiev to take an emergency loan from the International Monetary Fund.

Kiev, an aspiring NATO member and rare Western ally on post-Soviet turf, strongly backed Georgia in the war, sparking fears of potential conflict between Moscow and Kiev in Crimea. Some nationalist Russian politicians openly want Moscow to annex the peninsula but late last year Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, said publicly it was Ukrainian territory.

Moscow is also much involved in Ukraine’s politicised and lucrative energy sector. Fears resurfaced last week that Russian natural gas supplies via Ukraine to Europe could be cut off again after SBU guards raided state gas company Naftogaz, controlled by Ms Tymoshenko. The raid marked an escalation of tensions between the two leaders after they buried their differences to secure financial support from the IMF.

Mr Nalyvaichenko claimed that Naftogaz, on the orders of the government, had illegally stripped away ownership of more than $2bn worth of gas from Rosukrenergo, a gas trading intermediary, owned jointly by Russia’s Gazprom and Ukrainian businessman Dmytro Firtash.

Deputy SBU chief and billionaire Valery Khoroshkovsky headed the investigation despite admitting to joint interests in television channels with Mr Firtash, Gazprom’s partner in Rosukrenergo. Mr Nalyvaichenko ruled out a conflict of interest, but said another official would take charge of the investigation.

Mr Nalyvaichenko disputed allegations by Ms Tymoshenko that Ukraine’s president had lobbied on behalf of Rosukrenergo for it to regain the disputed gas supplies at the centre of last week’s raids.

He said he had offered to provide proof of Mr Yushchenko’s innocence to Russia’s Accounting Chamber, a public audit office, which was investigating Rosukrenergo’s Ukrainian shareholders.

Since then, Mr Khoroshkovsky appeared on his own TV channel to warn that the security services could next target government offices in a continued quest for documents to prove that gas was illegally transferred from Rosukrenergo to Naftogaz.

The west has repeatedly raised concerns about Rosukrenergo’s lack of transparency, not least because the intermediary has featured in the disputes between Kiev and Moscow that have periodically cut off energy supplies to the rest of Europe.

Mr Nalyvaichenko stressed however that the body was established by leaders in Ukraine and Russia before Mr Yushchenko became president. Gazprom has not publicly backed Rosukrenergo and Mr Putin described last week’s gas dispute as a “domestic” Ukrainian affair.

Source: Financial Times

воскресенье, 8 марта 2009 г.

Living in Kiev-the Capital of Ukraine.

There is no doubt Kiev, the capital of Ukraine , is really an amazing city, which is certainly worth a visit. Even if you have lived years in Kiev, it will always find something new to surprise you. The capital of Ukraine has special spiritual and historic atmosphere. You will feel it from the very first day once you come there.

Kiev has so many interesting places to see that can "feed" you with this spiritual food for a long time. This is great. But life is life. Sooner or later you will have to find a place to stay, eat, drink, go shopping, call your relatives and friends, and send them e-mail or surprise them with some special Ukraine gifts.

The longer you live in Kiev, the more "material interactions" you will have with surrounding world to arrange your life comfortable. In a short period of time you will find your favorite restaurants and Internet cafes, know the fastest routes of Kiev transportation to destinations, locations of the most interesting museums, concert halls and theaters.

It will come to you soon. For the beginning, here is a short review of every-day things which you may need when live in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

You'll find information about such essentials as getting around Kiev, using a taxi, local weather, communications, medical centers and other necessary every-day things added as I build this site.

Apartment in rent Ukraine

четверг, 5 марта 2009 г.

Kiev museums in the World of History

National History Museum of Ukraine

  • 2 Volodymyrska St. (Closed on Wednesdays)

The Museum sits on the Starokyivska Hill where you can still find remains of Old Rus constructions dating back to the 10th-13th centuries. The Museum boasts some of the ancient discoveries of primeval cultures such as the Trypillya peoples, the Scythians, and the early Slavs.

Kyiv History Museum

  • 8 Pylyp Orlyk St.

The Museum is located at Klovskyi Palace (18th c.). There you can find archeological, numismatic, and ethnographic exhibits telling the story of Kyiv from the first settlements till October Revolution of 1917.

National Literature Museum of Ukraine

  • 11 Bohdan Khmelnytskyi St.

The Collection keeps over 30,000 authentic items and records. This unique exhibit includes such treasures as the hand-written Listvytsya by Ioann Sinayskyi (16th c.) and the first printed book Apostle by Ivan Fedorov.

National Historic Jewelry Museum of Ukraine

  • 21 Ivan Mazepa St. (Kyiv Pechersk Lavra)

Here you can learn many interesting things about the three thousand year plus history of jewelry art. The gem of the collection is the Golden Scythian Pectoral (4th c. BC), which is a masterpiece of international significance.

National World War II Museum (1941-1945)

  • 44 Ivan Mazepa St.

A huge memorial complex comprises the Museum, graced by the gargantuan statue of the Motherland (62m high), and includes sculptural compositions showing heroes of the war, the Fire of Glory Cup, the Alley of Hero Cities, and the exhibition of World War II military weapons and equipment.

Pyrohovo National Folk Architecture Museum

  • Pyrohovo Village at South of Kyiv

This open-air museum displays more than 150 wooden constructions representing different eras and brought from all regions of Ukraine. The museum is a popular site for various folk festivals.

National Chernobyl Museum

  • 1 Khoryv Provulok (Lane)

The museum exhibition tries to explain one of the most tragic nuclear disasters in the world that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in 1986. Over 7,000 exhibits include declassified records, maps, and photos. Documentary videos show in detail the horrible accident and its consequences on the population.

Apartment in Kiev - Rent and Care it with hot ....

среда, 4 марта 2009 г.

Kiev mayor to raffle off hugs, kisses, other freebies from city

The mayor of Ukraine's capital, Kiev, has ordered the creation of a lottery that will have hugs and kisses from the mayor among the prizes, the Ukrainskaya Pravda newspaper reported on Tuesday.
As part of a range of unconventional ways to raise money for the city budget, Leonid Chernovetsky instructed his deputy, Oleksandr Lutsk, to set up the lottery and report daily on how it and other efforts are going.

The battle to squeeze money out of the capital's residents is an ongoing struggle as the mayor wrestles with a $1.2 billion gap between projected 2009 city income and expenditures, according to a Fokus Ukraine news agency report.

The lottery prizes will include rides around the city in the mayor's Rolls Royce and his armored Mercedes, as well as trips in his helicopter and airplane, where the winners can hug, kiss and take pictures with the mayor.

It is Chernovetsky's wish that not only Ukrainian media reports on the event, but media throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

The mayor wants the winners "to receive presents from [me] in front of the Ukrainian and CIS press, like books, tickets on mass transit, including the underground, everything possible, even on parking, absolutely everything," according to the order.

Another municipal directive signed by the mayor is the creation of a monitoring group that will have control over telephone calls from around the country for consultations on taking care of household pets. Under this program, codenamed Kitty, the mayor plans to raise some 1 billion hryvnia [$111 million].

Chernovetsky also introduced in January a $6 entry fee to the city's cemeteries.


Apartment for Rent Kiev

вторник, 3 марта 2009 г.

Explore The Crimea

Every time you come to the Black Sea and Crimea (Crim in Ukrainian) they never stop to amaze you. You get on the train in Kiev in the evening and arrive next morning in a different world.

Especially strongly you feel this contrast in April: hot sun, sparkling sea, blooming trees and flowers, lazy cats lying in the sun... After a pretty cold winter somewhere in the central part of Ukraine I am always tempted to be one of those cats. Just lie in the sun and do nothing. What a life! 

Black Sea coast.Batiliman.

Black Sea coast.Batiliman.Source:Chayka.crimea.ua.com

Without any exaggeration one can say that the Crimean Peninsula is one of the most dramatically beautiful coastal areas in the world. Nowhere else on earth will you find such incredible combination of varied scenery andclimate , uncommon vegetation and animals, the greatest opportunities fortourism and spa resorts in such a small territory. Somebody called Crimea "the Earth in miniature". 

Central Crimea.

Cenral Crimea.Source:Uwebcas.usf.edu/

The history of this land is even richer than its nature. Each tourist area of Crimea you visit reminds you of Crimean history which goes back hundreds and thousands of years. It is an amazing feeling to realize that the stones you touch, somebody put there many centuries before you came on the Earth. The oldest Crimean city Kerch was founded more than 2,600 years ago. Feodosiya is not much younger. It was founded more than 2,500 years ago. 



There is some mystery in the Crimean land. It is not surprising that so many legends are attached to Crimean land and the Sea. Those legends came to us as a reflection of the historical memory of people who populated this amazing land during many centuries. One can believe them or no, but they certainly bring a piece of that romantic flavor which always surrounds Crimea. 

Take your time exploring this site. You will understand why Crimea has attracted so many visitors as well as invaders during the centuries. If you are planning a trip to Crimea and need help take advantage of knowledge, humor, and an insider's view of Eugene Snezhkin and his personal escorted tour service. Check my recommendation.

Here is a small search engine to help you find information about Crimean land you are looking for.How does this search engine work? You can type your key word in a search box below or chose one of the most popular search terms from the "buzz cloud" below the search box. If I cover the topic on this site, you will see those pages listed at the top. If the topic hasn't been covered yet, you can check out the pages on other sites that carry information about the subject of your interest.

Apartment for Rent in Kiev

понедельник, 2 марта 2009 г.

Timetable of services in Orthodox churches in Kiev

Monday - Friday: 07:10 and 17:00
Weekends and religious holidays: 08:00 and 19:10

Vydubychi Monastery
Vydubychi Monastery is an architectural ensemble situated on a picturesque bank of the Dnieper. Its history spans for more than 900 years. It was built in mid XI century by Prince Vsevolod, son of Yaroslav the Wise (2 Hryvna banknote). The Monastery consistsof St. Archangel Mykhail Church, St. Georg Church and the Spaska Church built in Ukrainian baroque style.
Address: near Pecherska Lavra
Service: Monday -Friday                    07:10 and 17:00
Weekends and religious holidays: 08:00 and 19:10
Divine liturgy:  Sundays 10:00  


St. Vladimir Cathedral
While strolling through the beautiful Schevchenko boulevard one can stop and admire the yellow church in front of metro University. This church is known to be the first Ukrainian Orthodox cathedral (not Russian Orthodox). It was built in 1882 by Rudolf Berngardt. Before that, in 1852 people started in the donation of money for the construction of Cathedral, but the collected sum was not enough and the Russian emperror intefered. Its cconstruction was challenged by lack of funds and engineer incompetence. Ukrainian and Russian artists made a lot of decoration inside the Cathedral, among them were V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel, M. Pymonenko and others. Despite all the difficulties the Cathedral was successfully built and has survived some wars and gained Kiev citizens' respect and love.
Address: Schevchenko Boulevard 20
service:    Monday -  Friday:              07:10 and 17:00             
Weekends and religious holidays: 08:00 and 19:10
Divine liturgy: Sunday 10:00


Cyril Church
The namme of this church comes from Cyril, a Kievian Rus monk, who helped Methodius translate scripture into the  Slavic tongue which was the first introduction of script (written language) in Kiev Rus. The church was buil in the middle of the IX century in place called Dorogozhychi not far from Babyn Yar. The construction was initiated by Vsevolod and finished by his widow Maria. During its existence the church was in desolation for many years. In XVIII century it finally assumed its modern aspect in typical baroque style.
Olena Teliga Street 42


Central Kiev Synagogue.
Kiev Synagogue has turned into a symbol of struggle of Jude people for their rights and freedoms. It was built in 1898 by George Sleifer. Famous Ukrainian jude Lazar Brodsky asked the Russian government permission to build teh Synagogue and it was agreed. Unfortunately with the arrival of Soviets Synagogue was closed and turned into the dining hall of electricians. During its existence different people occupied Synagogue. Only in 1992 according to the President's Act it was returned to the Jude Community.
Tel: 235 9082
Shota Rustaveli Street 13


воскресенье, 1 марта 2009 г.

IMF Eases Ukraine Loan Conditions

IMF Eases Ukraine Loan Conditions

KIEV, Ukraine -- The International Monetary Fund signaled Friday that Ukraine was making progress toward receiving a second crucial installment of a $16.4 billion emergency loan after the aid program was frozen earlier this month.

The IMF said it was ready to reconsider its loan requirements and allow Ukraine to run a bigger budget deficit after the financial crisis grew worse.

The IMF had previously insisted that Ukraine trim the 2009 deficit from 3 percent to 1 percent of the GDP. But Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, the head of the IMF mission to Ukraine, said Friday that a balanced budget was impossible given the economy would contract by 6 percent or more this year and said the country could run a deficit as long it secures external funding.

"A balanced budget given a sharp decline in revenues does not seem feasible at this point in time," Pazarbasioglu told reporters in a conference call. "We are fully supportive of the authorities' efforts to raise additional funding from multilateral and bilateral creditors."

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who is reluctant to cut social spending and upset voters ahead of elections this year, has turned to G-7 countries and Russia to help close the budget gap.

The IMF aid is critical to Ukraine, exposed as one of the most vulnerable to the global financial crisis.

Industrial output has slumped by over one-third and Ukraine's currency has lost nearly half of its value against the dollar. The hryvna continued falling Friday, closing at 8.7 to the dollar Friday, down 46 percent from 4.9 in September.

The crisis has been exacerbated by constant feuds among Ukraine's political leaders.

On Friday, however, Tymoshenko, President Viktor Yushchenko, and parliament speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn pledged they would work together to come up with anti-crisis measures and policy changes in the coming days and present them to the IMF.

Pazarbasioglu praised the effort. "The authorities are putting together their own anti-crisis package and measures and that is very encouraging," she told reporters.

Source: AP
Important Information about Kiev - Accommodation Keiv

Michelle Kwan To Visit Ukraine

WASHINGTON, DC -- American Public Diplomacy Envoy Michelle Kwan will travel to Ukraine on February 28th where she will visit Kiev, Yalta, Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and Odessa.

Figure skater Michelle Kwan

This eight-day trip marks the figure skating champion’s fourth tour as an American Public Diplomacy Envoy for the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

As a Public Diplomacy Envoy, Ms. Kwan promotes cross-cultural dialogue with international youth and increases understanding of America by sharing her story and life experiences.

Kwan’s activities during her trip will include participating in a roundtable discussion with university students, visiting high schools, conducting skating clinics and meeting with alumni of other Department of State exchange programs.

Source: US State Department
Accommodation in Kiev for you!